Software Oem Agreement

Software OEM Agreement: What You Need to Know

An Original Equipment Manufacturer or OEM is a company that produces parts or components that are sold to another company to be incorporated into their products. In the software industry, an OEM agreement is a contract between the software manufacturer (OEM) and the third-party company (reseller or distributor) who will market and distribute the software under their own brand name.

The software OEM agreement is a crucial component in the software industry because it establishes the terms and conditions for the distribution of the software. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties, including the payment terms, warranties, technical support, intellectual property rights, and liability.

Payment terms

The OEM agreement must specify the payment terms between the manufacturer and the reseller or distributor. This includes the pricing structure, payment frequency, and payment methods. The terms should be clear and concise to avoid any confusion or disputes in the future.


The OEM agreement should define the warranties provided by the software manufacturer. This includes any express or implied warranties, such as fitness for purpose or merchantability. The agreement should also state the duration of the warranties and any limitations of liability for the manufacturer.

Technical Support

The OEM agreement should specify the level of technical support that the manufacturer will provide to the reseller or distributor. This includes the availability of technical support, response time, and the channels through which support will be provided. The agreement should also outline any additional fees that may be charged for technical support beyond what is included in the agreement.

Intellectual Property Rights

The OEM agreement should clearly outline the intellectual property rights for the software. This includes the copyright and any patents or trademarks associated with the software. The agreement must also specify the rights and restrictions for the reseller or distributor in using the software and associated intellectual property.


The OEM agreement should specify the liability of both parties in the event of any losses or damages related to the software. This includes the scope of liability, limitations of liability, and any exclusions or disclaimers of liability. The agreement must also outline the process for resolving any disputes that may arise.

In conclusion, the software OEM agreement is a crucial document in the software industry. It establishes the terms and conditions for the distribution of the software and outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties. If you are a software manufacturer or a reseller or distributor, it is essential to have a well-defined OEM agreement in place to protect your interests and ensure a successful partnership.

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